What is an Otamatone?
Basically it's an electronic instrument with a plastic design shaped like a note with a face. the Otamatone is the simplest instrument ever! all you have to do is to touch with your fingers slightly across it's neck, and a beepy sound is produced electronically. The other hand is busy pressing the face of the instrument, creating a wha wha effect to enrich the sound, it's practically affortless! you can also slide across the neck to create a gradual pitch between notes.
controlling the pitch, however, is not that easy is if you want to produce a clear melody, but all it takes is a few hours of affortless practice, while lying on your sofa, playing yourself to sleep
Who is it for?
well... everyone! I can't think of a single person who wouldn't enjoy playing it. well, I guess if you have no hands, then mabye it's not the right instrument for you but I'm totally wrong you 'cause you can use your legs to play! evey child would love it, every old geeser who still has a smile in his heart, dead people have no use for it, that's it, and animals would probabely find it stupid
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