ok, so I got myself a nice Otamatone... now what???
Don't be such a hard ass, just play around with it, you'll figure it out in no time, but if you insist on googling for help, just try to play along songs you like on youtube, while listening and correcting your finger position. whenever you feel like you're off-key, just slide your finger to the correct pitch. it's best to start with slow and easy songs... heres a list of songs I recommend you to start with:
1) the ABC song
2) Down by the sally gardens
3) Somewhere over the rainbow (using slides)
4) Beethoven symphony 9 Ode to joy
5) Green Sleeves
6) Heart and soul
7) Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
use your middle and finger forefinger to play, one to reach/slide for the high notes, and the other to go back for lower notes. when you feel comfortable with 2 fingers you may want to add a third finger. over time with practice your fingers will learn to find the right key. Don't worry about being off-key mate! just keep playing
I see, well that's nice and all, but I could really use some english speaking, straight to the point video tutorials
I recommend the following tutorials,
some of our best otamatonists are on the case: